Internal Oral Reflection

Please reflect thoroughly and carefully on the questions below. Remember, these should NOT be one word or one sentence questions. Each main question has many smaller questions imbedded to get you to think and to get you to write as much as possible. Stive for paragraph responses. 

1. How do you think your Internal Oral went? Do you think it was better than the last one you did? What do you think you did well? What do you think you still need to improve on?

2. Did you find that recording yourself was helpful? Did it make you nervous? Did you have any problems making or sharing the recording? Do you like having the ability to go back and hear yourself and even have the opporunity to improve what you recorded?

3. How have you been feeling about the Coronavirus Quarantine? Does it make you nervous? Do you know anyone who has been personally affected by the virus? Have you taken on extra responsibilities at home since the quarantine?