Posts made by Kiefer Wolfsohn

Picture of Kiefer Wolfsohn
by Kiefer Wolfsohn - Friday, 15 May 2020, 10:46 AM

I feel good about the school I have good grades and I am keeping up with my school work I am just sad the world turned into something. I don't have any goals I have achieved all of them and I am done. I am feeling good they shut down I have more time to spend with family and with myself. I like online it is the same thing I and I Still learn the same and get the same knowledge.

Picture of Kiefer Wolfsohn
by Kiefer Wolfsohn - Friday, 27 March 2020, 1:05 PM

The two weeks have been fine, I am getting a lot of work done while I am at home. This week has been a little harder because now the teachers know what they are doing a little bit more and they are assigning the work as they should. my feelings have not changed. I am being kind to myself by doing my work and staying in task. I haven’t really been talking to others so who is to be kind to? Being home didn’t change a single one of my goals, except the one to get a girlfriend.