Jesus 3 R's

Jesus and the 3-R’s

Learning Objective: You will work to identify and explain how Jesus lived out the Three R’s by analyzing assigned Scripture. 

Instructions: Go to and read the assigned Scripture. Be sure that you are reading from the correct version of the Bible - New American Revised

Once you have completed reading the verses:

  1. Discuss and rewrite the passage in your own words. 

  2. Identify which of the R’s are represented in the passage. 

  3. Explain how each of the R’s are completed by Jesus

* Look to the footnotes for clarification if needed



Matthew 20:20-28, Matthew 19:1-12, Luke 4:31-37, Luke 5:17-26, Luke 6:1-11, Luke 7:1-10, Luke 7:36-50




Three R’s:  Revelation Redemption   Recapitulation 

