Weekly outline
11 August - 17 August
THURSDAY: Syllabus
FRIDAY: IB Reflection: What do you know about IB? Why IB? Why IB English? Tell me about yourself?
18 August - 24 August
MONDAY: Mission Statement- we looked at missions statements from various companies, including Damien and the IB program, to determine the importance of and the essential elements of a mission statement. Then spent the rest of the period developing individual mission statements.
HOMEWORK: Write your own mission statement that follows the guidelines developed together in class. Your typed missoin statement is due FRIDAY. Please center your mission statement and print it out in landscape. Make it a large font so that it will be easy to read when it is posted on the bulletin board.
TUESDAY: Work on Mission Statements
WEDNESDAY: Learner Profile Quick Write- After briefly reviewng the attributes of the Learner Profile, students did a reflective quick write in which they must pick 2 attributes which they feel they best/most reflect and how. Then they needed to pick 2 attributes which they feel they most need to explore/develop and a plan on how they might do so.
THURSDAY: Mini Lesson: Readers, Writers, and Texts
FRIDAY: Mission statement final draft due!, Continue discussing yesterday's mini-lesson
25 August - 31 August
MONDAY: Remote Learnng Day: Go onto moodle, takes notes on Rhetoric (slides 1-9), be ready to discuss last weeks mini-lesson more in depth
TUESDAY:Lock Down day- no assignment
WEDNESDAY: Review Rhetoric notes and Introduction to the semester concepts and structure. See the document below.
BLOCK DAY: Defining key concepts for establishing a common langauge. Complete Anthem Introdutory Concepts response and discussion (see questions below).
Anthem Introductory Concepts: Please write if you agree or disagree with the statements below and explain your reasonng.
1. Equality will never truly exist in society.
2. Conformity is the only way to truly feel accepted in today's society.
3. Individuality should be more important than the collective group.
4. True indivilduality can never be achieved in our society.
1 September - 7 September
TUESDAY: Begin reading Anthem (through Ch.1 pg. 29)
WEDNESDAY: Read and annotate Invictus by William Ernest Henley and complete and submite the questions via moodle before the end of the period.
BLOCK DAY: Establish more common language (dystopia, egotism, free will, altruism) and write a reflective response to the following questions:
1. Do you believe you need to consider your own needs first before others? Why or why not?
2. Describe an instance from your own life when you had to put yourself first despite pressurefrom friends and family to do otherwise. How did it make you feel?
8 September - 14 September
MONDAY:Continue reading Anthem independantly
TUESDAY: Finish reading Anthem independantly
WEDNESDAY: Discuss Anthem, prepare for the assessment by reviewing meaning, theme, style, symbols, and figuritive language.
BLOCK DAY: Anthem Assessment and intro to Anthem Building Connections
15 September - 21 September
MONDAY: Review Anthem Assessment, Discuss MLA format, begin writing Anthem essay
TUESDAY: Review Turnitin.com, continue writng Anthem Essay
BLOCK DAY: Write Anthem essay
FRIDAY: Finish writing Anthem essay and submit essay to Turnitin.com before the end of the period.
Buy The Handmaide's Tale by October 21st
22 September - 28 September
MONDAY: Intro to new text type: Graphic Novel. Discuss new concept: Creativity. Review text features and shared language (culture). Discuss: How do visuals aid or hinder storytelling or conceptual understanding?
TUESDAY: Read article "Comic Books vs. Graphic Novels: What's the difference?" by Jake Rossen (see link below), Break into groups and begin working on group project
WEDNESDAY: Begin creating a visual reprsentation of the Persepolis Introduction
THURSDAY: Work on Persepolis Intro Project
Article "Comic Books vs. Graphic Novels: What's the difference?" by Jake Rossen Link:
Buy The Handmaide's Tale by October 21st
29 September - 5 October
MONDAY: Present visual Intro, Introduce readng journal: Throughout the reading of this novel, students should keep a journal in which they reflect upon their feelings, reactions, guiding questions, visuals, or anything that personally speaks to them as they read. There must be a minimum of 10 entries throughout the book (meaning they cannot all be from the first chapters of the book). Each journal entry should be at least a paragraph, and must be labeled with a date and a chapter. Within each entry, the chapter label should be connected to or explained in some way. Journals will be due at the end of the novel, BUT will be checked on 10/8 (at the end of Ch.19/Book 1).
HOMEWORK: Ch. 1-5 (pg. 1-39)
TUESDAY: Read and write journals
HOMEWORK: Ch. 6-8 (pg. 40-61)
WEDNESDAY: Read and Write Journals
HOMEWORK: Ch. 9-14 (pg. 62-110)
BLOCK DAY: Read and Write Journals
HOMEWORK: Ch. 15-19 (pg.111-153)
Persepolis Ch. 1-19 (Book 1) Quiz Tuesday 10/8
Buy The Handmaide's Tale by October 21st
6 October - 12 October
TUESDAY: Persepolis Quiz Ch. 1-19, Journal Check
HOMEWORK: Read Ch. 20-25
WEDNESDAY: Read and journal
HOMEWORK: Read Ch. 26-28
THURSDAY: Read and journal
HOMEWORK: Read Ch.29-33
FRIDAY: Read and journal
HOMEWORK: Finish reading Persepolis by Tuesday
Persepolis Quiz Ch. 20-37 Tuesday 10/15
Buy The Handmaide's Tale by October 21st
13 October - 19 October
MONDAY: Persepolis review
TUESDAY: Persepolis Quiz Ch. 20-37, Journals Due
BLOCK DAY: Persepolis Building Connections Discussion
Buy The Handmaide's Tale by October 21st
20 October - 26 October
MONDAY:Review IB Assessment IO and "Global Issues", Book check for Handmaide's Tale
TUESDAY: Review Paper 1 and Paper 2
WEDNESDAY: Review HL Essay, Organize Learner Portfolio
BLOCK DAY: Discuss visual texts, Persepolis Project Journal (see instructions below)
Persepolis Project Reflection: Please answer the following questsions after careful reflection. Be as thorough as possible and answer on as much detail as possible. Please complete this reflection digitally and save it in your Learner Portfolio
1. Did you earn a grade on this project that you expected? Higher? Lower? Why do you think you earned this grade?
2. Reflect on the work and effort that you have completed in this class so far. How would you rate your level of effort in this class? How would you rate your performance in this class as a whole so far? Reflect on your faillures and your successes in this class so far. Explain and justify your rationale.
27 October - 2 November
MONDAY: View ads/artwork from In a Parallel Universe by Eli Rezkallah, discuss images and text
TUESDAY: Discuss/outline ideas for how to use In a Parallel Universe in assessments, Review Internal Oral Assessment Rubric
WEDNESDAY: Practice outlining oral assessment (10 bullet points)
BLOCK DAY: Continute Outlining Oral Assessments, pass out and disucss "Body of Work" project, Read Handmaid's Tale excerpt and discuss
3 November - 9 November
MONDAY: SUB: Read The Handmaid's Tale
TUESDAY: Continue working on 10 IA bulletpoints
WEDNESDAY: Discuss Handmaid's Tale
THURSDAY: Listen to IA samples
FRIDAY: Practice IA
10 November - 16 November
TUESDAY: Remote Learning Day: Click on the moodle link below to complete your assignment for the day.
WEDNESDAY: Discuss Handmaid's Tale
THURSDAY: Handmaid's Tale Assessment
FRIDAY: Presentations
17 November - 23 November
MONDAY: Finish Presentations,
TUESDAY: Intro to The Simpsons as a body of work
WEDNESDAY: SUB: Read 2-3 Amy Tan stories
THURSDAY: SUB: Read 2-3 Amy Tan stories
FRIDAY: Finish The Simpsons powerpoint slides, discuss text type (short story) and overall ideas of Amy Tan stories
24 November - 30 November
Thanksgiving Break
1 December - 7 December
MONDAY: The Simpsons Reflection
TUESDAY: Amy Tan Reflection
WEDNESDAY: The Handmaid's Tale assignment: Using the guide that you were given yesterday (A Reader's Guide to Annoations), please annoate the passage the sub has handed out to you (using th suggestions and terms from the guide). After you have completed the annotation, turn the paper over and on the blank side of the paper, please answer the questions below:
The Handmaid's Tale Annotation and Writing Assignment
1. Please select one particular section that stands out to you. Why does is catch your attention?
2. Explain how the details of this passage give insight into the new government and society of Gildead. BE SPECIFIC and give quotes/examples in your answer.
3. Pick one section of imagery from this passage. What image does it evoke in your brain, specifically? What words help to create that picture in your mind? BE SPECIFIC and give direct quotes to support your ideas.
DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD (in the basket on the back table)
BLOCK DAY: Review the Handmaid's excerpt activity. Modeling of poem activity, using Reader's Guide to Annotation suggestions.
8 December - 14 December
MONDAY: SUB: Work on assignments from another class
TUESDAY: SUB: Finish annotation of Walt Whitman poem
WEDNESDAY: Finish annotating and discussing Walt Whitman poem, complete the writing assignment
THURSDAY: Complete the Walt Whitman writing assignment and assign Whitman personal poems
FRIDAY: Read To a Stranger and annotate, complte the writing assignments
15 December - 21 December
22 December - 28 December
29 December - 4 January
5 January - 11 January
TUESDAY: Last day of 1st Semester
WEDNESDAY: Work on Whitman Research
THURSDAY: Work on Whitman Research
FRIDAY: SUB: Work on Whitman Research
12 January - 18 January
MONDAY: NO SCHOOL/Remote Learnng Day: Please compile all the Walt Whitman research information onto one presentation (PPT/Prezi/Slides) and share with Mrs. DiCarlo. Also, please print the poem you were assigned and bring it to class on Tuesday.
19 January - 25 January
26 January - 1 February
2 February - 8 February
9 February - 15 February
16 February - 22 February
23 February - 29 February
1 March - 7 March
Mon-Fri- Prep Outline for IO Practice #2
8 March - 14 March
Mon- Thurs:IO #2 presentations
Friday: Remote Learning Day: Please submit the following assignment before 10:30. Please look up the poems listed below. After you read them, please pick 1 poem and develop a global issue that you can analyze in that poem. Please make sure your global issue is well developed and that you are using textual evidence from the poem to support your global issue. Finally, please make sure you format this in bullets and clearly state your global issue, as well as the name of the poem you have chosen. Basically, you are doing one half of an IO, without speaking it verbally. Make sure to submit this to the portal below.
Poems by Sherman Alexie
Good Hair- https://poets.org/poem/good-hair
Victory- https://poets.org/poem/victory
Evolution- https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/evolution-4/
The Powwow at the end of the world- https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47895/the-powwow-at-the-end-of-the-world
15 March - 21 March
Hello IB Lang and Lit Students,
I want to make sure you are all on the same page with regards to Remote Learning for my class. Here are a few things you need to know:
- Please be sure to have access to Moodle. This will be the place I put up all your assignments for the week and where you will submit all assignments. I will also provide any instructions or details about assignments, attendance, or anything else you need to know.
- Please be sure to sign up for my Remind. If you didn’t do so at the beginning of the year, please go to the syllabus and find the join code. If you no longer have a syllabus, please go to moodle, where a digital version is posted. If you are still having problems getting to remind, please email me ASAP!
- Please be sure to check your DAMIEN email!!! If I can’t get a hold of you any other way, I will default to your email. Please check your email regularly in order to make sure you haven’t missed any updates or instructions.
- You will be required to complete reading, writing, and other types of assignments on a weekly basis, so please check your email, your moodle, and your Remind.
*Attendance will be taken at least 2 times a week. The method for taking attendance may change, but you should have no problem figuring out what to do on a week to week basis, as I will try to stay in constant contact.
*Please check out the new school-wide schedule that was sent out. This will ensure that you are “in the right place” at the right time.
Assignments for this week
1. Please make sure you respond to my Remind tomorrow between 8:30-11:30. This will be the first time I take attendance. If you do not respond on time you will not be marked "PRESENT".
2. Look up 1 more Sherman Alexie poem (one that has not been listed on moodle already). Complete the same outline activity you did with the previous poem (meaning complete an IO outline type analysis). Please submit this assignment on moodle or share it with my via Google no later than FRIDAY MARCH 20TH AT 3 PM. This will count for attendance, so if you submit it late, you will be marked "TARDY" and if you do not submit at all you will be marked "ABSENT".
22 March - 28 March
Hello again IB Language and Literature Students!
I hope you and your families have been transitioning to being at home and staying healthy. I know it has been a challenge to figure out this new schedule and the format for this was of learning. Now that we have tackled some of the technology issues, I would like for our classes to get in to a routine, or at least be able to more freely find the things you need to find and more efficiently contact me at the right place and time. So, here are a few more guidelines to follow this week...
1. NO CONTACT TIME: Monday-Friday after 5 pm AND Saturday and Sunday ALL DAY! These are the times that you should NOT contact me. Please do not expect that during these times any reply message, emails, or assignments will get responded, reviewed, input, or addressed. I also expect that during these times you are not working or submitting work. Take this time to relax and enjoy your time at home.
2. Office Hours:
- Tuesday Office Hours, 1-2 pm (moodle Chat):This is where you can ask me questions about the assignment and check in. You are not required to stay the entire hour. Once you have asked a questions or marked yourself as "PRESENT" you may leave the chat. You can always go back and read the chat at a later time by clicking on the chat button and picking the chat you want to read.
- Friday Office Hours, 1-2 pm (Remind): This set of office hours will be through Remind. I will send out a Remind message and you will need to respond with a question or simply by saying "PRESENT" if you have no questions.
***Reminders: Submitting assignments on time, as well as responding to Reminds/moodle Chats, are both taken in to consideration for attendance. Please stay in contact with me and submit assignments on time.
Check moodle at the BEGINNING of EVERY WEEK to find out what your assignments for that week will be. Things may change weekly, depending on what I need you to do, and how long we will be remote learning. Sometimes I will assign something specific that must be completed during the assigned block period only. But sometimes, I will simply give you all the assignments for the week all at once, along with their due dates, and you will be responsible for organizing your schedule and your work as you see fit. Please remember that submitting work on time counts towards attendance. If you do not submit something by the due date, I assume you have not seen it and if I have not heard from you, I will mark you absent.
Task 1: Attend the Tuesday moodle chat from 1-2 pm.
This is where you will be able to ask me questions regarding the assignments for this week.
Task 2: DUE by Friday March 27th 3pm.
Complete a IO Outline and share it with me: You will pick one of the Sherman Alexie poem outlines that you have already completed and improved upon and combine it with a NON-literary text in order to have a fully developed outline for both works.
In the document, please make sure you have the following information/content
- Completed Outline
- Excerpt/ Copy of the Alexie Poem
- Image/Except of the Non-Literary text
After you send all this information to me, you will need to record yourself presenting your outline, just like we practiced in class. Look for instruction on how to do this at the bottom of this week's moodle section. This recording will be due by Tuesday March 1st at 11:30 am (the end of 3rd period that day).
Instructions for how to record yourself using a Google Meet
29 March - 4 April
Remote Learning Week 3
Hello again IB students!
I miss you guys so much! I hope you are all staying healthy, safe, and busy with school work. This week, as you have probably surmised, we are going to get the chance to see each other and catch up via Zoom (instructions below). It's going to be a new adventure for me, as I have never used Zoom, so be patient with me (as you have been all year long)! Below I have listed this weeks assignments, as well as all instructions or codes needed for our virtual meeting. Please take time to read the Virtual Classroom Expectations.
Virtual Classroom Expectations
1. TURN OFF YOUR MIC. Please enter the meeting with your mic turned off.
2. Be respectful. Be appropriate.
3. If you want to speak, raise your hand I will try to get to all of you in turn.
4. You may also write questions in the chat/comment feature.
1. Please attend the Office Hours moodle Chat if you can or if you have any questons about assignments. Even if you can't stay the entire hour, check in and then leave the chat. You can always go back into the chat or come back to the chat link and read the transcript of the chat at a later time.
2. Always reply to the Remind messages- EVEN WHEN IT'S NOT YOUR CLASS DAY! The moodle Chat and the Remind check in's both count for attendance (as do your assignments).
Assignment #1: Zoom! Tuesday March 31st 9am. This is a mandatory meeting, so please make sure your technology works and you know how to get on. You may use the link in the email invite, or simply use the meeting ID 458799078.
There are 2 links below you should take some time to preview before attending the Zoom meeting. One is a powerpoint and one is a template. Please come prepared to the meeting with questions.
Assignment #2: Internal Oral Reflection Due Wednesday April 1st by 11:30am. Look for the link at the bottom of this week's moodle section. The link will look like a little hand with a piece of paper. When you click on the portal, you will see the reflection questions as well as a space for you to copy and paste your response.
Assignment #3: HL Essay Brainstorm and Thesis Statements Due Friday April 3rd- This will also be submitted in a moodle portal, so make sure you first write your reflection in a google doc.
Here is a link to the powerpoint presentation reviewed during the Zoom Meeting on Tuesday
Here is the link to the Google Doc for the Essay Outline Template
5 April - 11 April
Hello IB Learners!!
We finally made it to SPRING BREAK!! I know we all need the break badly! Over spring break I only have one assignment for you, and that is related to the HL Essay. As soon as I can return the brainstorm/thesis statements to you with feedback, you will need to start developing an outline for the essay. The outline will be due when you get back from spring break. Please use the outline format I put on moodle last week if you are stuck or don't know where or how to start on your outline. Also, please email me any questions you may have regarding your feedback and your outline. I will post a portal for submitting the outline on moodle soon.
When we get back from spring break we will be seeing each other on a zoom call. You will be getting an email invite as the end of spring break approaches. The email will include the day and time of your meeting (which will probably be the same as our last meeting- during out scheduled class period).
In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy your spring break, even under these less than ideal circumstances. Spend time with your family and get out into the sunshine as often as possible! Read for fun!! I miss you all and I can't wait to see you when we get back from spring break.
12 April - 18 April
Spring Break
19 April - 25 April
Hello IB Period 3!!!
I hope you all had a great spring break and are reading to finish the year out strong! Below I have given you a few reminders about getting back into the swing of Remote Learning for the end of the semester. Please check moodle every Monday morning to see what your assignments for the week will be.
1. Checking in:
- TUESDAY Office Hours Moodle Chat 1-2pm- Please make sure you get onto moodle and check in to this chat by asking a question or simply submitting "Present", so that I can take attendance into account. Remember, if you miss the chat you can always go back and read the transcript of the entire chat.
- FRIDAY Remind- At noon on Friday's I will send out a Remind text. You need to respond to the test no later than 2pm by simply replying "Present" or asking me a question.
2. All assignments are going to be submitted through moodle BUT please complete all assignments on a Google Doc first so that you have it for your own record and so that I can add comments to any particular assignment if necessary. Please make sure you pay attention to which portal you are being required to submit various assignments
Assignments for this Week
Assignment #1: MANDATORY Zoom Meeting: Tuesday April 21st 9am
Meeting ID: 998 0017 2753 Password: 0Br4qg
Assignment #2: Spring Break Reflection Due April 21st 3pm.
Assignment #3: HL Essay Outline Rough Draft Due April 24th 3pm- Please submit this to the moodle portal below, but also make sure to share it with me from your Google Docs so that I can give you necessary feedback.
26 April - 2 May
Assignments for this Week
Assignment #1: Sharon Olds Poetry Analysis Assignment DUE Wednesday April 29th 3pm (see details below)
Assignment #2: HL Esssay Outline Final Draft! DUE Friday May 1st 3pm (PLEASE SUBMIT THIS ON MOODLE, AS WELL AS SHARE IT WITH ME VIA GOOGLE DOCS)
3 May - 9 May
Assignments for this Week
Assignment #1: Sharon Old's and 7 IB Concepts Connections-Due Wednesday May 6th 3pm (see details below)
Assignment #2: HL Essay Body Paragraph #1 Draft- DUE NEXT WEEK Tuesday May 12th 3pm- This assignment is an extension of your outline. You will pick any body paragraph from your outline and develop it. You may pick ANY BODY PARAGRAPH!!! NO INTRO OR CONCLUSION. Remember, a complete body paragraph is a bare minimum of 8 sentences, including a topic sentence, introductory information, textual evidence, explanation and conncetion to the quote and to the larger concepts. If you have questions about any of this, please email me or contact me during the office hours moodle chat this week!
10 May - 16 May
Assignments for this Week
Assignment #1:HL Essay Body Paragraph #1 Due Tuesday May 12th 3 pm. Again, please submit this to the moodle portal, but also share it with me via Google Docs so that I can give you feeback for improvement.
17 May - 23 May
24 May - 30 May
31 May - 6 June
Finals Week Google Meet
* This meeting is NOT mandatory and does not count towards your grade. This is simply an opportunity for us to gather once last time before the 19-20 school year ends. I hope to see you all there!
You should have received an email invite, but the link is also included below
Tuesday June 2nd at 9am - meet.google.com/mzk-diph-rqm
7 June - 13 June